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How to Get an eSIM with a UK Number?

Jan 14,2025 | Milo

Table of contents

Things to Check before Purchase

How to Get an eSIM with a UK Number?

How to make calls with a UK number?

FAQs about eSIM with a UK number

Plans that may interest you

Traveling to the UK and need a hassle-free way to stay connected? An eSIM with a UK number is your perfect solution! It offers seamless activation, eliminates the need for physical SIM cards, and ensures you’re ready to make calls, send texts, and use data the moment you land. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the simple steps to get your UK eSIM and enjoy uninterrupted connectivity throughout your trip.

Things to Check before Purchase

1. Device compatibility

You can check if your smartphone is eSIM compatible here. Alternatively, here is a list of laptops compatible with eSIM.

2. Phone status

Mobile phones depend on a carrier to make calls and interface to portable data. Carriers permit your phone to interface to their network.

  • If your phone is not locked, this implies that it can interface to any carrier’s network.
  • If your phone is locked, it implies that it can only connect to the network of a specific carrier as stipulated in your contract.

For more information about unlocked phone, please see here.

3. Length of travel

When selecting an eSIM plan, make sure to choose one that aligns with the length of your trip. This will help you avoid the possibility of running out of data during your travels or unintentionally exceeding your budget.

Also, take into account the amount of data you will need based on your activities, such as streaming, browsing, or using navigation apps, and pick a plan that provides sufficient coverage for your entire stay. Doing so ensures a smoother and more enjoyable experience while you're away from home.

How to Get an eSIM with a UK Number?

Step 1: Choose an eSIM package

Go to ByteSIM's website or download the ByteSIM app (available on both iOS and Android).

Choose an eSIM package that fits your needs like the length of stay.

Step 2: Purchase and install eSIM

After purchase, you'll receive an email with a QR code and other eSIM information within minutes. Then you can scan the code to install eSIM on your eSIM-compatible devices like iPhones, Samsung, and Google Pixel.

Important Note: This UK Mega Data Plan with Free Calling & SMS product is a special package. Installing or using it outside the covered regions (Coverage can be seen below) is prohibited, as it may deplete your balance and disrupt service. Also, it is different from other plans. It activates and starts billing immediately upon purchase.

Coverage of UK Mega Data Plan with Free Calling & SMS from ByteSIM

Step 3: Use your UK phone number

After installation, choose eSIM as Mobile Data and Default Voice Line. Also, turn on Data Roaming of eSIM. Then it'll activate automatically when connected to local network. You can turn off Primary SIM in case it causes expensive roaming fees. You can use the number to make unlimited UK calls and even 500-minute EU calls.

How to make calls with a UK number?

Making Local Calls in the UK

To make local calls within the UK, simply dial the phone number, including the area code. For example, to call a London number, you’d dial 020 1234 5678. No international prefix is needed for calls within the country, making it straightforward for both landline and mobile calls.

Making EU Calls from the UK

If you need to contact someone in an EU country from the UK, you’ll use the international dialing format:

  • Start by dialing + or 00 (the international access code).
  • Next, enter the country code for the destination (e.g., +49 for Germany or +34 for Spain).
  • Finally, dial the recipient’s phone number, omitting the leading zero of the local area code.
    Example: To call a number in Paris, France, dial +33 1 23 45 67 89.

FAQs about eSIM with a UK number

How many minutes do I have to make and receive calls?

Unlimited local calls and SMS in the UK. The Plan also includes 500 minutes of EU calls to 48 destinations: Austria, Azores, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canary Islands, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, French Guiana, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Guadeloupe, Guernsey, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madeira, Malta, Martinique, Mayotte, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Réunion, Romania, Saint Martin, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Vatican City.

Can I install this eSIM in advance?

No, this plan is different from other plans. It activates and starts billing immediately upon purchase. Therefore, we advise buying it only when needed to avoid early purchase and activation. Besides, installing or using it outside the covered regions (Coverage can be seen below) is prohibited, as it may deplete your balance and disrupt service.

Are there any alternatives to the eSIM phone number for calls?

Sure. You can use eSIM with data to make VoIP calls. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) apps allow users to make international calls affordably and with reliable sound quality. While there are many options available, popular choices include WhatsApp, Telegram, and Skype. Keep in mind that both you and the person you’re calling must have the same app installed to connect. 

Plans that may interest you

