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How to Measure and Improve WiFi Signal Strength

Sep 12,2024 | Snowdust

Table of contents

What is a WiFi signal?

What is WiFi Signal Strength?

How to Measure WiFi Signal Strength

Tips to Improve Your WiFi Signal Strength

ByteSIM eSIM: A Solution to Overcome Weak WiFi Signal

What is a WiFi signal?

A WiFi signal serves as a wireless conduit for data, enabling devices such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets to establish connections to the internet or a local network. It relies on radio waves, typically in the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz frequency bands, to facilitate communication between a router or access point and the linked devices, thereby offering wireless access to the internet or shared network resources. The speed and reliability of the connection are contingent upon the strength and quality of the WiFi signal.

What is WiFi Signal Strength?

WiFi signal strength refers to how strong the connection is between your device (such as a smartphone, laptop, or tablet) and the WiFi router or access point. A strong signal results in faster data transfer speeds, smoother streaming, and overall better internet performance, while a weak signal leads to slower speeds, dropped connections, and poor network reliability. Signal strength is typically influenced by factors like distance from the router, interference from other devices, and physical obstacles such as walls.

WiFi Signal Values: What Do These Represent?

WiFi signal strength is measured in decibels relative to one milliwatt (dBm) and typically ranges from -30 dBm (the strongest) to -90 dBm (the weakest). Here's a general guide to what these values represent:

Received Signal Strength Indicator Signal Strength Expected Quality
-30 dBm to -50 dBm Excellent signal You’ll experience fast speeds and stable connections.
-51 dBm to -60 dBm Good signal Most online activities will perform well without interruptions.
-61 dBm to -70 dBm Fair signal You may notice slower speeds, especially with high-bandwidth activities like streaming.
-71 dBm to -80 dBm Weak signal Basic browsing may still work, but other activities will be sluggish.
-81 dBm to -90 dBm Poor signal Connection may drop frequently, and most online tasks will be difficult.

How to Measure WiFi Signal Strength

Measuring WiFi signal strength is simple, and you can do it on various devices without any special tools. Here's how you can check signal strength on different platforms.


You can use the Command Prompt for more precise measurements:

  • Open the Start menu. Then, type “command” and you’ll see Command Prompt.
  • Open Command Prompt and type netsh wlan show interfaces.
  • Look for the signal strength value, which is shown as a percentage.

Command Prompt

Alternatively, to check your Wi-Fi signal strength on Windows 10 using PowerShell, follow these steps:

  • Right-click the Start menu or press Windows+X.
  • Select Windows PowerShell (Admin) from the menu that appears.
  • In the PowerShell window, type the following command: (netsh wlan show interfaces) -Match ‘^\s+Signal’ -Replace ‘^\s+Signal\s+:\s+’
  • This command will display the precise Wi-Fi signal strength for your current connection.


Mac OS

  1. Hold the Option key and click on the WiFi icon in the menu bar.
  2. A detailed drop-down menu will appear showing your current connection's RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) value in dBm. The closer the value is to 0, the better the signal.

iOS and Android

  • On iOS, go to Settings > WiFi and look for the WiFi signal bars next to the network you are connected to.
  • On Android, open Settings > Network & Internet > WiFi, then tap on the network name to see the signal strength in dBm or percentage.

Tools to Check WiFi Signal Strength

For a more detailed analysis of your WiFi signal strength, various apps and tools can provide in-depth data:

For Windows and Mac:

  • NetSpot: Offers a visual map of WiFi signal strength throughout your home or office.
  • WiFi Analyzer: Helps you visualize signal strength and optimize your WiFi channel.

WiFi Analyzer

For iOS and Android:

  • WiFi Analyzer (Android): Offers real-time data on signal strength, channel usage, and interference.
  • AirPort Utility (iOS): Allows you to scan for signal strength and interference.

Tips to Improve Your WiFi Signal Strength

1. Pick a Central Location

You can position your router in the center of your home or office to ensure even signal distribution. Placing it too far to one side can result in weak coverage in certain areas.

2. Avoid Obstacles

Walls, furniture, and large appliances can block or weaken WiFi signals. Keep your router away from physical obstructions for better signal strength.

3. Stay Close to Your Router

The closer you are to the router, the stronger the signal. If possible, use your devices near the router to get the best speeds and connection stability.

4. Use Mobiles to Get a Stable Connection

Mobile devices can often switch between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. Ensure you’re using the most suitable band for your needs. The 5 GHz band offers faster speeds but a shorter range, while 2.4 GHz covers a wider area.

5. Add Wireless Repeaters to Increase the Minimum Signal

Install WiFi extenders or repeaters to boost signal strength in areas where coverage is weak. These devices help fill in dead spots and ensure a more consistent connection throughout your space.

6. See who is connected to your access point.

Too many devices or unauthorized users on your network can slow down your connection. Regularly check and limit access to improve your overall WiFi performance.

7. Change Your Old Equipment to Improve Signal Quality

If your router is outdated, it may not support the latest WiFi standards. Upgrading to a modern router with better technology can significantly enhance your WiFi signal strength and performance.

ByteSIM eSIM: A Solution to Overcome Weak WiFi Signal

Using an eSIM on your eSIM-compatible smartphone or laptop offers a reliable alternative to dodgy WiFi connections.

While eSIMs can help resolve connectivity problems at home, they are particularly beneficial in crowded public areas. For instance, airports like JFK, Miami, or Las Vegas often experience heavy user traffic that can interfere with the WiFi signal and degrade its strength.

If you're planning a trip to the USA, for example, opting for a ByteSIM USA eSIM is a more dependable choice than counting on public WiFi networks.

With a ByteSIM eSIM, you can enjoy:

  • 5G Unlimited Data: Experience the fastest native 5G networks in supported regions.
  • Global Coverage: Connect in more than 200 countries and regions worldwide.
  • Dedicated Android and iOS apps for managing and purchasing eSIM plans.
  • 24/7 Customer Support: We're here to help anytime, anywhere.
  • No Hidden Costs: Easy online purchase with no retail stores or inflated prices.
  • Money Back Guarantee: Your satisfaction is our priority.

