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A Comprehensive Guide for Buying a Europe eSIM

Jul 04,2024 | Snowdust

Considering buying a ByteSIM eSIM for Europe travel? Awesome! Discover the step-by-step process in this guide to purchase the best eSIM for Europe. And enjoy a great internet connection promptly.

Place of Purchase

Where to buy it is the first thing you should know about purchasing eSIM cards for Europe, isn't it? All our eSIMs are sold online, making it pretty simple. Just go to bytesim.com, that's all you have to do.

Steps to Purchase

Upon visiting our website, we can follow the step-by-step process to purchase ByteSIM’s eSIM cards for Europe.

1. Select the eSIM card for Europe

On the home page, a magnifying glass icon will appear in the upper right part.

Click on it and enter Europe directly in the search engine. Automatically, the eSIM of the destination will pop up.

2. Pick a plan based on your need

Upon visiting Europe eSIM page, detailed product information shows up.

Then, select a plan based on your need.

Once you have selected the plan you require, click on Add to cart.

3. Shopping cart

A pop-up window will appear when you click on Add to cart. It reveals the shopping cart along with the details of the chosen plan. Verify the total price to be paid and the number of eSIMs needed.

Once you have verified that all the information is correct, you should proceed by clicking on Checkout.

4. Purchase form

Clicking on Checkout will redirect you to the payment page right away. There you can make an express payment through PayPal.

To pay with a different payment method, filling out the form with the billing and contact information is necessary.

By scrolling down slightly, you can locate this on the left side of the page.

After completing the form with your personal information, click the Continue to Payment button at the bottom right.

5. Payment process

Clicking Continue to Payment will lead you to the payment portal. You need to enter information as required there.

Once verifying correct information, click Pay now to finish payment.

6. Payment done!

Once payment succeed, you will receive an order confirmation email and Order Success Notification with QR code for installation.

Also, it contains an Installation Instruction.

----> You may want to know how to set up/activate an eSIM. Some detailed tips for different phone models are as follow:

Guide for iPhone

Steps for Google Pixel

How to activate an eSIM on OPPO

Samsung Galaxy: How to set up an eSIM

