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How can I activate an eSIM data plan?

Aug 29,2023 | Tim

With the popularization of mobile devices embedded with an eSIM, not a few people may be confused about HOW TO INSTALL AN ESIM before experiencing the convenience of eSIM technology. So, today we are going to guide you to activate an eSIM step by step.

Here we go!

  • Check eSIM compatibility

Before starting the activation process, ensure that your device supports eSIM functionality. Unfortunately, at least at present, not all devices are equipped with this function, so refer to your device's specifications or contact your mobile service provider to confirm compatibility.

Click here to* [ *check the compatibility of your mobile devices*** ](https://bytesim.com/pages/esim-compatible-devices)

  • Obtain an eSIM QR code/activation code

Your mobile service provider will provide you with an eSIM QR code or an activation code after your purchase. This code contains the necessary information to configure your device with the eSIM profile.

If you don't own an eSIM, click* [ *here* ](https://bytesim.com/) *to get one***

  • Access eSIM settings

On your device, navigate to the settings menu. The specific location may vary depending on the operating system (e.g., iOS or Android). Look for an option related to mobile networks or connectivity settings.

For iOS, you can find the option under:

  • "Settings > Cellular > Add Cellular Plan"

In Android, it may be located under:

  • "Settings > Network & internet > Mobile network > Advanced > Carrier."

  • Scan the eSIM QR code

Depending on your device, you may have the option to scan the eSIM QR code using the device's camera. If scanning is not available, you can manually enter the activation code provided by your service provider. Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed.

  • Confirm the activation

After scanning or entering the code, you'll typically see a confirmation message or prompt to activate the eSIM profile. Confirm the activation, and your device will begin to configure the eSIM settings.

  • Set up preferences and customize settings

Once the eSIM profile is activated, you may have additional options to customize settings related to cellular data, SMS, voice calls and the like. Explore the available settings and configure them according to your preferences.

Tip *You can customize the profile name to easily identify and switch to a specific one among the multiple profiles in a specific country(different countries/areas may support different service providers)

You can click here to check service providers in different countries /areas around the world

  • Test the eSIM connection

After completing the activation process and customizing settings, it's recommended to test the eSIM connection. Go to an area with cellular coverage and verify if you can make calls, send texts, and access the internet using the eSIM. If you encounter any issues, contact your mobile service provider for further assistance.

Click here to* [ *contact us* ](https://bytesim.com/pages/contact-us) (if you bought a Bytesim ESIM) or to check the [ *FAQs*** ](https://bytesim.com/pages/faq) for further reference

Remember, the exact steps and terminology can vary slightly depending on your device and mobile service provider. If you encounter any difficulties or have specific questions, don't hesitate to reach out to your service provider's customer support for guidance.

