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Sep 23,2023 | Matrix


  1. マレーシアの通信事業者
  1. マレーシア旅行のためのトップ推奨eSIMカード
  1. マレーシア旅行のeSIMカードを理解する
  1. マレーシアのeSIM、どのカードを購入しますか?
  2. マレーシアでeSIMカードを使用するためのヒント
  3. マレーシア旅行の際によく聞く質問



セルコムは引き続き4Gのカバレッジを独占しており、10点満点中9.2点という驚くべきスコアを達成しています。これは、セルコムのユーザーがすべての事業者の中で最も多くの場所で4 gのカバレッジを一貫して享受していることを意味します。DigiとMaxisは8.7ポイントで2位。U Mobileは4位、UnifiとYesは5位に並んでおり、それぞれ7ポイントを獲得しています。


要すると、Celcomはダウンロード速度の著しい改善により、4Gカバレッジとダウンロード速度の両方でリードしています。DigiとMaxisがこれに続き、Unifi、Yes、U Mobileもこれらの主要指標の改善を示しています。

1. Celcom -広範なカバレッジと強い信号強度

Celcomは、その広範なカバレッジと堅牢なデータサービスのために旅行者の間で人気のある選択肢です。セルコムは、紫色の看板で知られており、マレーシアの通信大手の1つであり、最も広い信号カバレッジを持ち、モバイルユーザーに最も人気のある選択肢の1つです。手頃な価格だけでなくセルコムは、その堅牢な信号カバレッジと高品質なデータサービスで有名です。 第一に、セルコムはマレーシア国内の通信インフラ全体を担う国営企業であり、他のネットワークが行き届かない離島などの遠隔地でも広範囲の通信を確保しています。第二に、4Gスピードに関しては、Celcomは4G分野への早期参入者の1つであり、権威ある機関であるOpenSignalによって、2023年に4Gカバレッジで最高と評価されました。 セルコムの信号は、マレーシアのほとんどの地域、特に島の地域で優れています。しかし、メンガルム島、サバ州の遠隔地、センポルナの遠隔地など、基地局が設置されていない遠隔地では、すべてのキャリアからの信号強度が弱くなったり、失われたりする可能性があります。


2. デジタル—費用対効果の高い汎用性の高い選択肢

Digiは黄色のブランドで、プリペイドSIMカードのオプションであり、費用対効果を重視している。それは彼らのお金の価値を探している旅行者のための素晴らしい選択です。Digiはマレーシア全土をカバーしており、ほとんどの僻地をカバーしています。Digiは440.7Mbpsという驚異的な速度で、5 Gダウンロードスピード部門で1位を獲得しました。2位はUnifiで、378.1Mbpsという驚異的なスピードを記録しています。残りの3社、Celcom、U Mobileおよび Yes、いずれも200 Mbpsを超える速度を達成しており、スコアは248.6 ~ 294.9 Mbpsです。ただし、浪中島、マーメイド島、マングローブ林、マタキング島、バンバン島など、いくつかの地域では信号のカバレッジに制限がある場合がありますのでご注意ください。

3. 最も信頼できる全国的な接続のネットワーク

Maxis offers the Hotlink SIM card, which is well-known for its affordability and reliable service. Among international students, the most popular choice is often the Maxis Hotlink card. This card is readily available in convenience stores and incredibly easy to use, although it tends to be slightly more expensive compared to other options. Maxis card, featuring its prominent red branding, is another prepaid SIM card offered by Maxis, a major telecom company in Malaysia. Like the others, it uses a simple one-way charging method and provides extensive and stable coverage. Good signal quality is generally available in most areas, especially in urban centers. However, similar to other carriers, signal coverage may be limited in remote areas where base stations are yet to be established, such as Mengalum Island, remote areas of Sabah, remote areas of Semporna.

4. U Mobile - Innovative Plans for Urban Connectivity

U Mobile is a rising star in the Malaysian telecom industry, known for its competitive data plans. While it may not have the same extensive coverage as Maxis or Celcom, it offers attractive options for those primarily staying in urban areas. It's a suitable choice for travelers who plan to explore cities and major tourist destinations.

5. Unifi Mobile-Seamless Bundled Services with Home Broadband

Unifi Mobile, a subsidiary of Telekom Malaysia (TM), provides both broadband and mobile services. While it may not be as popular as the other operators among tourists, it can be a convenient choice if you're already using Unifi broadband services in Malaysia.

Furthermore, for travelers who opt for ByteSIM's eSIM card, you have the added convenience of using Celcom, Digi, and Maxis networks. Notably, Celcom has tailored a special package for ByteSIM users, offering 30 days of unlimited dataunlimited calls, and 1000 text messages.

In terms of pricing, these eSIM options are generally competitive, with DIGI and Celcom being the preferred choices for many. Maxis also offers competitive rates. If call quality ranks high on your priority list, Celcom may be your top choice, closely followed by Maxis and Digi. Your ultimate decision will hinge on your specific requirements and plans. Regardless of which eSIM you choose, you can count on enjoying seamless calling and internet connectivity during your stay in Malaysia.

Top Recommended eSIM Cards for Malaysia Travel

Traveling to Malaysia and in need of a reliable eSIM card for seamless communication and connectivity? Look no further; we've got you covered with our top recommendations for eSIM cards tailored to your needs.

Recommendation 1: eSIM card for Malaysia Local Number

For those seeking the convenience of a local Malaysian phone number and premium features, we highly recommend ByteSIM's premium package. This eSIM card includes 30 days of unlimited data, unlimited calls, 1000 text messages, and utilizes Celcom's robust network. What's more, it operates on the lightning-fast 5G network and comes with a dedicated Malaysian local phone number, making it ideal for tasks like registration, ride-hailing, and food delivery. Click Malaysia Unlimited eSIM to get yours now.

Recommendation 2: eSIM card for High-Speed Internet and Call Service

If high-speed internet and unlimited calls are your priorities, ByteSIM's unlimited data package is an excellent choice. This eSIM card primarily utilizes the Maxis network, ensuring you never run out of data. You can enjoy streaming YouTube and sharing photos and videos with friends and family without worrying about data limits. With unlimited data, it offers excellent value for money. Click Malaysia Unlimited Data Plan to secure yours.

Recommendation 3: Budget-Friendly and Flexible eSIM Card

For budget-conscious travelers who want flexibility, ByteSIM's eSIM cards with daily or total data options are the way to go. With over 50 plan variations, you can choose based on your travel duration and data needs, ranging from 3 to 30 days and data volumes from 3GB to 50GB. Plus, these plans are free from restrictive Fair Usage Policy (FUP) limitations imposed by traditional carriers. Pick the one that suits you best and enjoy your trip to Malaysia. Click Malaysia eSIM to secure yours.

Understanding eSIM Cards for Malaysia Travel

As technology continues to advance, eSIM cards are becoming increasingly popular among travelers. In this guide, we'll delve into the key aspects of eSIM cards for Malaysia travel, helping you understand their advantages and how to activate one.

The Difference Between Physical SIM and eSIM

Traditionally, travelers relied on physical SIM cards to access mobile networks when abroad. These SIM cards had to be physically inserted into a device. However, eSIMs, or embedded SIMs, operate differently. They are built directly into the device, eliminating the need for a physical card. Instead, you can activate an eSIM digitally, and it is stored electronically on your device. This digital format offers several advantages for travelers.

Benefits of Using an eSIM Card for Travel

  1. Convenience: One of the primary advantages of eSIMs is their convenience. You no longer need to worry about losing or misplacing a physical SIM card. Your eSIM can be activated and managed digitally, making it easily accessible.
  2. Flexibility: eSIM cards are highly flexible, allowing you to switch between carriers and plans seamlessly. This flexibility is especially valuable for travelers who may visit multiple countries or need different data plans during their trip.
  3. Cost-Effective: eSIMs often offer competitive rates and can save you money compared to traditional roaming charges. You can choose from a variety of data plans to suit your budget and needs.
  4. Environmental Impact: By eliminating the need for physical SIM cards, eSIMs contribute to a reduction in plastic waste, which is more environmentally friendly.

How to Activate an eSIM Card for Malaysia Travel

Activating an eSIM card for your Malaysia travel is a straightforward process:

  1. Check Device Compatibility: Ensure that your smartphone, tablet, or wearable device supports eSIM technology. Most modern devices, including iPhones and many Android phones, are eSIM-compatible.
  2. Purchase an eSIM: Select a reputable eSIM provider like ByteSIM and choose the eSIM card that best suits your travel needs.
  3. Receive QR Code: Upon purchase, you'll receive a QR code from your eSIM provider, which contains all the necessary activation details.
  4. Activate eSIM: Go to your device's settings and find the eSIM activation section. Scan the QR code provided by your eSIM provider. The eSIM will be activated, and your device will connect to the chosen network.
  5. Configure Settings: You may need to adjust some network settings to ensure your device uses the eSIM for calls, texts, and data. For example, turn on data roaming.
  6. Enjoy Seamless Connectivity: Once activated, you can enjoy seamless connectivity while traveling in Malaysia. Your eSIM will provide you with the chosen network's services, whether it's for local calls, data access, or international communication.

Device-Specific eSIM Activation Guides

Activating an eSIM may slightly vary depending on your device. Here are some device-specific activation guides to help you through the process:

- iPhone: For detailed step-by-step instructions on how to install an eSIM on your iPhone, you can refer to the official Apple support documentation.

- Google Pixel: If you're using a Google Pixel device, Google provides comprehensive instructions on how to activate an eSIM on their support page.

- Samsung: Samsung device users can find the eSIM installation guide on the official Samsung support website.

By following these device-specific guides, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free activation of your eSIM card for Malaysia travel on your specific device.

Understanding and utilizing eSIM cards for Malaysia travel can greatly enhance your travel experience, offering convenience, flexibility, and cost savings. Make sure to check your device's compatibility and choose a reputable eSIM provider to enjoy the benefits of this modern technology during your trip.

eSIM for Malaysia, which card to buy?

When it comes to selecting the right eSIM card for your Malaysia travel, ByteSIM stands out as a top choice, offering a multitude of advantages that cater to your communication and data needs. Let's delve into the exceptional features that set ByteSIM's Malaysia eSIM card apart:

Powered by Celcom - The Best Coverage

ByteSIM partners with Celcom, known for its extensive network coverage throughout Malaysia. This partnership ensures that you'll have access to reliable connectivity in urban areas, rural regions, and even on scenic islands. Whether you're exploring the bustling streets of Kuala Lumpur or unwinding on the pristine beaches of Langkawi, you can count on Celcom's robust network support.

Unlimited Data Plans

ByteSIM's Malaysia eSIM card offers the convenience of unlimited data plans. Say goodbye to worrying about exceeding data limits while streaming your favorite content, navigating using maps, or staying connected with loved ones through video calls. With unlimited data, you can browse, share, and connect to your heart's content.

Local Malaysian Number and Unlimited Local Calls

One of the standout features of ByteSIM's eSIM card is the inclusion of a local Malaysian phone number. This makes your stay in Malaysia hassle-free, whether you need to register for local services, order transportation, or request food delivery. Additionally, enjoy the benefits of unlimited local calls, allowing you to stay connected with friends and family residing in Malaysia.

Lightning-Fast 5G Network

In the age of high-speed internet, ByteSIM ensures that you experience the best by providing access to Malaysia's 5G network in select areas. Enjoy blazing-fast internet speeds, making tasks like downloading large files, streaming high-definition videos, and participating in video conferences smoother than ever.

Flexible Plan Options

ByteSIM understands that every traveler's needs are unique. That's why they offer a wide range of flexible plan options. Whether you're staying in Malaysia for a few days or an extended period, ByteSIM's eSIM card has you covered. You can choose from a variety of data plans, ranging from 300MB/day to 50GB or even unlimited, with service durations from 1 day to 30 days. This flexibility ensures you'll find the perfect plan to match your specific travel itinerary.

Instant Delivery and 24/7 Live Support

ByteSIM takes convenience seriously. Their eSIM cards are delivered instantly, allowing you to activate and start using them right away. Additionally, ByteSIM provides round-the-clock live customer support with real human agents, ensuring that your questions and concerns are addressed promptly and effectively, rather than dealing with automated responses.

User-Friendly Mobile Apps

To make your eSIM experience even more convenient, ByteSIM offers user-friendly iOS and Android apps. These apps allow you to purchase, view, and inquire about your eSIM plan at any time and from anywhere, eliminating the need for complicated procedures and providing instant access to your eSIM services.

Affordable Pricing

While ByteSIM offers a comprehensive range of features and benefits, they understand the importance of affordability for travelers. Their eSIM cards are competitively priced, making them a cost-effective solution for staying connected during your Malaysia travel. You can enjoy all the advantages of a premium eSIM card without breaking the bank. This affordability ensures that you can allocate more of your budget towards exploring Malaysia's rich culture, savoring its delicious cuisine, and creating unforgettable memories during your journey.

Here's a comparison table between ByteSIM and several other eSIM options, including Holafly, Flexiroam, Ubigi, and GigSky.

Brand Data Service Days Price ($USD)
ByteSIM 500MB/Day-Unlimited 3-30 Days 2.9-18.5
ByteSIM 1GB/Day-Unlimited 3-30 Days 3.9-31.9
ByteSIM 2GB/Day-Unlimited 3-30 Days 5.9-55.9
ByteSIM 3GB/Day-Unlimited 3-30 Days 7.9-69.9
ByteSIM Total 3GB-Unlimited 3-30 Days 3.9-5.9
ByteSIM Total 5GB-Unlimited 3-30 Days 5.9-8.9
ByteSIM Total 10GB-Unlimited 3-30 Days 10.9-15.5
ByteSIM Total 20GB-Unlimited 3-30 Days 19.9-28.9
ByteSIM Total 50GB-Unlimited 3-30 Days 48.9-66.5
ByteSIM Unlimited Data 3-30 Days 11.9-69.9
ByteSIM Total 6GB (*5G Newtwork) 15 Days 43.9
ByteSIM Unlimited Data + Unlimited Local Calls + 1000 SMS 30 Days 59.9
Holafly Unlimited Data  5 Days 19
Flexiroam 10GB 24 Days 32
Ubigi 10GB 30 Days 49
GigSky 5GB 30 Days 17.9

In conclusion, when deciding which eSIM card to buy for your Malaysia travel, ByteSIM emerges as an excellent choice. With Celcom's strong network support, unlimited data, local Malaysian number, 5G capabilities, flexible plans, instant delivery, and attentive 24/7 live support, ByteSIM's Malaysia eSIM card provides everything you need for a seamless and enjoyable travel experience in Malaysia. Say goodbye to connectivity worries and embrace the convenience of ByteSIM's eSIM card on your next adventure.

Tips for Using eSIM Cards in Malaysia

  1. Choose the Best Malaysia SIM Card: Research and select the best prepaid plan in Malaysia that suits your needs. Look for options like ByteSIM, considering factors like data, coverage, and pricing.
  2. Activate Your eSIM Before Travel: Ensure your eSIM card is activated and set up on your device before departing for Malaysia. Be ready to connect as soon as you arrive.
  3. Check Device Compatibility: Confirm that your device supports eSIM technology, ensuring it's compatible with your chosen Malaysia SIM card for tourists.
  4. Keep a Physical Backup: Although eSIMs are digital, it's wise to have a physical backup of your eSIM QR code or activation details, just in case.
  5. Monitor Data Usage: Keep an eye on your data consumption to avoid exceeding your plan's limits. Many eSIM providers offer apps or portals for tracking.
  6. Stay Informed About Local Regulations: Familiarize yourself with local regulations concerning mobile device usage in Malaysia, including driving and mobile phone laws.

By following these six tips, you can make the most of your Malaysia SIM card for tourists, ensuring a seamless and connected experience during your travels.

Frequently Asked Questions for Malaysia Travel

1. Do I Need an eSIM Card for Malaysia?

While it's not mandatory, having an eSIM card can significantly enhance your travel experience in Malaysia. With ByteSIM's Malaysia eSIM, you enjoy the convenience of a local Malaysian phone number, unlimited data, and flexibility in choosing your plan duration and data volume. It's a hassle-free solution that eliminates the need to search for physical SIM cards upon arrival.

2. What Is the Network Coverage for eSIM Cards in Malaysia?

ByteSIM's Malaysia eSIM card utilizes Celcom's extensive network coverage, ensuring you have reliable connectivity in most parts of the country. Whether you're exploring bustling cities, picturesque landscapes, or idyllic islands, you can expect strong signal quality and seamless connectivity.

3. What Should I Consider Before Purchasing an eSIM Card?

Before buying an eSIM card for your Malaysia travel, consider the following:

   - Device Compatibility: Ensure that your smartphone or device supports eSIM technology. Most modern devices, including iPhones and many Android phones, are eSIM-compatible.

   - Data Needs: Assess your data requirements for the trip. ByteSIM offers a variety of data plans to cater to different usage patterns, so choose one that aligns with your needs.

   - Duration of Stay: Determine the length of your stay in Malaysia. ByteSIM's flexible plans allow you to choose the duration, ranging from 3 to 30 days, making it suitable for short visits or longer vacations.

   - Local Number: If you require a local Malaysian phone number for convenience in local services and communication, ByteSIM's eSIM provides you with one.

   - Customer Support: ByteSIM offers 24/7 human customer support to assist you with any questions or issues you may encounter during your trip.